Monday 9 March 2015

Tools That Make Social Media Sharing Easier

Have you ever been reading an article on the web and want to share it instantly? Sometimes that can be a hassle. You can often find yourself copying and pasting the link, saving it, or emailing it to yourself. There has to be as easier way, right? Some social media websites have a bookmarklet that can be downloaded to your browser. With one click of a button the page you're on can quickly be shared on other social media sites.

Which Tools to Use?

To cut out some of the heavy Internet searching, I’ve created a list of 5 tools that can make sharing social media easier.

A great tool to utilize while sharing internet information is Hootsuite. Having this online web manager keeps all of your social media monitoring organized. You are able to customize the dashboard to keep track of applications, RSS feeds, and your social media accounts. If you come across something you'd like to share on the Internet, just click the Hootsuite button in your browser. This will link the content to a message, and give you the option of what social media site you’d like to it to. This application will surely save you time while sharing content.
Pin it is the outside source to Pinterest. The Pin It button only takes a few seconds to install. Similar to Hootsuite, you can add this to your bookmarking tools on your browser toolbar. This allows you to pin things you find on the web right to your Pinterest account. This can be a fast way to add content to your boards and share them with other users.
Feedly is an online news aggregator for web and mobile uses. This is the best application to use to track your favorite sites, read articles and share on social media. You are able to add specific sites that you want to follow at any given time. It has an easy to read magazine format with layout options that best suit you. Sometimes keeping track of which blog you'd like to follow can be confusing when there are so many to choose from. Adding Feedly lets the application do all the work, and you can read up on each blog at your leisure. The application also allows you to open an article you’d like to share in Hootsuite, and choose which channel you’re sharing it on as well as schedule a time if you’re not ready to send it out at the moment.
Another way to monitor your social media shares is through Buffer. This application makes posting to your most used social media sites, easy and fast. Integrated with all major news reader apps makes it simple to monitor which articles you’d like to send out. Buffer has an auto scheduler just like Hootsuite. The benefit of using both applications is when one account is already scheduled far in advance. You can use the other to make sure your postings are current, and you're not sharing old news. Click the buffer bookmarlet to share a post on the go.
While doing research online, ever want to just scoop up a page and save it for later? does just that. Searching the web can be exhausting. If you're looking to gather information on subjects that interest you or something related to your business you may not always have the time. will make suggestions on articles to “scoop” based off of what you’ve searched for, and what kind of keywords you’ve used. Even this can be some what time consuming. Use the bookmarklet when you come across something that goes with one of your  topics.

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